http://canprovar.zhang-lab.org/canprovar |
About CanProVarCanProVar is designed to store and display single amino acid alterations including both germline and somatic variations in the human proteome, especially those related to the genesis or development of human cancer based on the published literatures. Cancer-related variations and conrresponding annotations can be queried through the web-interface using Protein IDs in the Ensembl, IPI, RefSeq, and Uniport/Swiss-Prot databases or gene names and Entrez gene IDs. Fasta files with variation information are also available for download. Please find the more details here.
The remote usage count is 12608 and the last date of remote usage: 01/15/25 The data download count is 10598 and the last date of data download: 01/15/25 |
CanProVar is currently developed and maintained by Dexter Duncan and Bing Zhang at the Zhang Lab . The project was initiated by Jing Li and Bing Zhang in 2009.
Funding credits: National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Cancer Institute (R01 CA126218); NIH/National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM088822).
©2009 Jing Li, Bing Zhang